Saturday, 30 March 2013

Best Ways To Drive a Huge Traffic From Facebook in 2013

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Facebook.. I think you already know that Facebook is a most popular Social network of the world, There are millions of people who are using Facebook (Even me :p ). No doubt Facebook can drive a big number of visitors to your website or blog easily. There are a lot of blogs and website who are getting a lot of visitors just from Facebook. So here are some best methods to drive traffic from Facebook easily.
Best Ways To Drive a Huge Traffic From Facebook in 2013

Increase Fans on your Facebook Fan Page

Almost every blog and website has its Facebook Fan page, Try to increase the number of likes (Fans) on your fan page, Ask your friends to like your page, Post on groups and share on other pages in order to get fans. The number of fans on your fan page is directly Proportional to the number of visitors ;).

Post in Relevant Groups

No, NO! I'm not asking you to start spamming on groups, Find some groups which are relevant to your topic, Example if your niche is about blogging then post your blog posts in blogger's groups. I'm sure you'll get a positive response from them and a huge traffic. 

Make Connection With Fellow Bloggers

Find your fellow bloggers and add them on Facebook and share your posts with them, Make a strong connection with them by liking and commenting on their posts. This method will give you some targeted visitors to your blog. YES! You can also exchange likes with your fellow bloggers in order to drive a huge traffic to your blog.

Enable Follow button on your Personal Profile

Last time facebook changed " Subscribe " button into " Follow " button, Yes, Now everyone can follow you on facebook just like twitter, To enable Follow button
 Goto Facebook >Account settings > Followers Tab and Mark (Tick) on "Turn On Follow" and that's it!
Now whenever you post anything on your blog it directly goes to your followers wall. This is a proven method to drive traffic easily. 

Paid Method: 


Facebook advertisement is a best method to drive traffic from facebook but most of people don't use it because it is paid. Well if you can spend some money on advertisement then start a campaign on facebook of your website. You'll get a good number of " Targetted " visitors to your blog or website.


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